A small update

by Ladbon

Frogger mechanics works in a way that you can move Up_Left_Right_Down without colliding with anything that moves in your height,
you are allowed to stand on things below you though. You will move in the same area you stood on in the first place if the object
your on is actually moving at a direction. You aren’t allowed to move outside the gaming area which will be easier so just
fix a wall around with tunnels showing what lanes there are. When you reach the top there is a death area with five designated place in which
you have to jump to, these areas are more arc typed so you don’t have to be EXACTLY moving straight unto them and will help set the difficulty
down for 99,99% of the players. you cannot move into the tunnels nor can you move through the walls. This has to be key to fix before actually fixing the
levels. The next part will be pathing.