How do you keep yourself from being totally useless in a group ?

by Ladbon

Gosh it’s been a while, I can feel I got a few great posts I need to write down.
Lets try writing this one down and we’ll go back as soon as I find some time =)

About 7 years ago I was taught something called Problem-Solving-Preceptive.
P.S.P was a innovative way of showing how people can tackle problems quicker and get your work done.
You are presented to solve your problems with seven really stressful steps in order to find the problem, tackle it in the most efficient way and simply polish it later on.
Not at all new but during these seven years I found it’s been working quite well when I unconsciously got it working.
Mind you this has nothing to do with what how my group or how they individually worked(we worked on a group project for a day).
This had something to do with me. I was simply useless in the team technically as I did nothing of the coding nor the graphical parts.
I did feel like I was in the group though, I documented, asked questions and tried to help every individual with their task.
This has the positive effect of trying to be someone who always does something and asks questions but then again it does have some negative effects as well.
I might have been the guy that ALWAYS had questions, checked on people that clearly didn’t need help and did useless work that had nothing to do with the task at hand.

I will try to post some more things on my mind like postmortems, my role in my big gaming project and how I tackle problem some more to slowly but surely write down how my behavior works in groups.

ps. My group during the Gamejam was amazing and I am really, really proud of what we achieved.